
Something more than steps...

Sławosz Marcisz

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Something more than steps...



on 29 April, we will celebrate the 28th International Dance Day, established by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute. Each year, a prominent artist prepares a thought addressed to dancers and lovers of the discipline. In 2010, the author of the message to the world is Julio Bocca, a 43-year-old ballet dancer. He believes that dance is a universal language that replaces words that are so incomprehensible to most that it brings us closer to heaven and the sacred. He even compares dance to a love play, after which hearts beat faster and we can't wait for the next time.


What is dance to us? Just a certain movement? A way of moving usually coordinated with music? Or perhaps a form of transmission of regional culture? An art? Regardless of our views, dance is (according to sociology) categorised as a cultural activity, consisting of the purposeful movement of the performer accompanied by rhythm. It owes its origin, among other things, to religious beliefs (e.g. bringing rain in times of drought or burning witches). Dance was the first in European culture to be described by Homer in the 'Iliad'. An earlier account comes from the Old Testament and refers to King David.

Today, many types of dance can be distinguished. Of the most popular, classical, contemporary, folk and ballroom dancing must be mentioned. Today, I would like to devote more attention to the latter. Why? Ballroom dancing is currently extremely promoted by television - the programme "Dancing with the Stars" gathers millions of viewers, who are fascinated by the progress of the stars and dancers. So what is so magical about ballroom dancing?