Vitamin K plays an important role in protein synthesis processes, including blood clotting factors. An insufficient supply of vitamin K can consequently lead to vitamin Kdeficiency ble eding (VKDB),...
Modified milk mixtures have a composition enriched with vitamins and micronutrients in proportions according to the need for these substances.
Immunofortis is the name given to Nutricia's patented set of prebiotic oligosaccharides (GOS/FOS) approved for use in infant milk mixes.
Standard infant milk mixes are available in powder form to be dissolved in water. In some life situations this is impractical, hence the presence on the market of ready-to-drink milk mixes, in the...
Babies who are being fed artificially should be fed modified milk, i.e. milk with a composition similar to breast milk. It is customary to label these milks as infant milk (type 1) for use in the...
For many years, the standard dietary recommendation in our country was to introduce gluten into the diet of infants only from 10 months of age.
Prebiotics, i.e. carbohydrates that are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, may be useful in the treatment of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn's disease or colitis ulcerosa,...
Prebiotics are carbohydrates that are not digested in the digestive tract, most commonly fructo- and galacto-oligosaccharides, whose beneficial biological action is to stimulate the growth of...
Prebiotics are substances that have been extensively researched in recent years due to their numerous beneficial effects on the human body. Prebiotics are various carbohydrates that are not...
Magnesium, together with calcium and phosphorus, accounts for 98% of all minerals in the human body. An adequate intake of magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the entire...
Rickets is a syndrome of symptoms resulting from a deficiency of vitamin D activity. The most common cause is an inadequate supply of vitamin D, but it is possible to have severe rickets symptoms...
An infant's excessive intake of iron can be as harmful as its deficiency. This risk is paradoxically particularly high in children from highly developed countries.
Iron is a micronutrient of great importance for the normal development of the infant and young child. Iron deficiency causes anaemia (anaemia) and delays the child's psychomotor development.
Modified milk mixes for healthy and sick infants are routinely enriched with vitamin D already at the production stage.
In an infant, a symptom that is physiological and acceptable is volvulence. In contrast to volvulence, the occurrence of so-called slurping vomiting in the baby, i.e. sudden vomiting "at a distance"...
Sucrose, the most common sugar used in the food industry, is nowadays rarely an ingredient in milk mixes for infants. As recently as 20 years ago, most milk mixes for babies were sweetened with...
Intestinal colic is defined as paroxysmal, unrelieved crying (screaming) with contracting of the legs, widening of the abdomen and increased intestinal gas.
Pancreatic insufficiency can occur even in an infant. The most common cause of this condition is cystic fibrosis.
Many pancreatic enzyme preparations are available over-the-counter in our country, but it is important to bear in mind that these are substances with potentially strong effects on the digestive tract.
The pancreatic enzyme preparations available on our market are mainly Kreon, Panzytrat and Lipancrea.