In paediatric practice, doctors are confronted with the suggestion that a child eats too little. In reality, the problem is much more common - but unfortunately not always understood by parents - is...
Coeliac disease is a genetic condition characterised by intolerance to gluten, the protein component of the shells of 4 basic European cereals.
Eating disorders are an increasingly common problem among teenagers. One of these disorders is bulimia. This article presents the diagnostic criteria for bulimia and discusses the possible risks of...
Elevated cholesterol (hypercholesterolaemia) is a significant risk factor for ischaemic heart disease and strokes.
If an infant or young child requires additional supplementary feeding (in addition to drinking standard milk meals), so-called instant teas are usually recommended.
Type 3 milk (also known as 'junior' according to other nomenclature) is a modified milk mixture intended for feeding children over 12 months of age.
Follow-on milk is a modified milk mixture intended for the feeding of babies over 4 months of age.
Infant milk is a modified milk mixture intended to be given to babies in the first 4 months of life. Correct feeding during this period is particularly important as, in the first 4 months of life,...
A preterm baby is defined as a baby born before the end of the 37th week of pregnancy. In Poland, the prematurity rate among live-born infants is approximately 6%, of which 1.5% concerns births...
Babies born prematurely have special nutritional needs. Even breastfeeding, which is the ideal way to feed a baby, does not always meet all the needs of a premature baby. It is often necessary to...
A common problem in practice is leakage in an infant fed one of the milk-substitute formulas (Bebilon Pepti, Nutramigen, soya milks, etc.). Because of the need to eliminate milk protein, AR-type...
The AR suffix indicates that the milk formula in question is designed to prevent increased volatilisation(Anti Regurtitation- anti-reflux). AR-type mixtures contain a variety of thickening...
Lactose is the primary carbohydrate component of milk (both breast and cow's milk). It is a disaccharide made up of glucose and galactose molecules. It is digested in the small intestine under the...
MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides, or medium chain fatty acids. This type of fatty acid is contained in some medicated mixes: Bebilon Pepti MCT, Humana MCT, Pregestimil.
Deficiency rickets is a syndrome of symptoms associated with impaired intestinal absorption of calcium in vitamin D3-deficient conditions and the associated biochemical, radiological and clinical...
Excessive feedings in the postnatal period inadequate to the needs of the newborn.
Inadequate secretion of breastmilk in the postnatal period, inadequate to meet the needs of the newborn.
Flat anatomical structure of the nipples making it difficult to breastfeed the baby properly.
The skin is one of the most common locations of food allergy in children. In about 30% of cases, food allergy symptoms manifest as isolated skin lesions, while more than 70% of the remaining cases...
Tarry (black) stools contain blood coming from the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract or respiratory system (mouth, nasopharyngeal cavity, tonsils, oesophagus, stomach and duodenum). The...