Calcium is the basic building block of the skeletal system. Its adequate supply is essential for the normal development of the child.
The aeroplane is an increasingly popular means of transport. Even small infants often travel by it.
Pneumococcus, or Streptococcus pneumoniae, is a bacterium that colonises the respiratory tract of many children. In favourable circumstances, it can cause what is known as invasive disease, a...
The most serious risk in a child with acute diarrhoea is dehydration, a state of relative water deficiency in the body.
Mineral or spring water is a healthy drink for your child. Many parents prepare their child's meals and drinks exclusively with shop-bought water. However, there are different types of mineral...
Water is an essential component of daily nutrition. The food served to a child should meet the daily basic requirement and take into account any additional water loss, e.g. during hot weather.
Visibly increased sweating of the skin in a baby is usually most evident on the baby's head. Such a phenomenon often causes parents concern.
Substantially abnormal result of a general urine sample carried out during pregnancy.
Spermatorrhoea is one of the most common congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract in boys. The defect consists of an abnormal location of the external urethral outlet.
This defect is one of the congenital deformities of the chest wall. It consists of an excessive forward protrusion of the sternum.
Teething is the common name for the eruption of teeth. The first baby teeth usually appear between 6 and 8 months of age. These are the lower incisors. However, the development of milk teeth starts...
Delayed puberty in girls is evidenced by the absence of clinical signs of puberty after the age of 13 years, or the absence of the first menstrual period by the age of 15 years. In addition, the...
Anaemia (anaemia) is a condition in which the concentration of haemoglobin in red blood cells falls below the norm accepted for people in certain sex and age groups. This is usually accompanied by a...
Fluorine (F) compounds are among the most potent stimulators of bone formation. Their main task in the body is the formation of fluoroapatites in tooth enamel. This makes children's teeth stronger...
Regular measurement of the head circumference is just as important in an infant as the measurement of weight and length. Excessive head circumference growth is defined as an enlargement of the head...
Growth deficiency in a child is defined as a height not exceeding the 3rd centile for a given age. Centile grids are charts that indicate the norms of various parameters, created by examining...
Underweight in a child is defined as a body weight not exceeding the 3rd percentile for a given age. Centile grids are charts setting out the norms of various parameters, created on the basis of...