In recent days, questions have been multiplying from concerned Poles about the correlations of coronavirus with the most diverse segments of social functioning and life. One of these is the aporetic...
More and more confirmed cases of coronavirus in Poland. As reported by the Ministry of Health, there are currently 150 (as of 16 March). Among them is a seven-month-old baby who became infected from...
The height a person reaches depends on many different factors. Genes predominantly have an influence on the final height of the body, but not only - height is also determined by various hormones, as...
Nose bleeds are a fairly common ailment, but when they occur in a child, they usually cause a lot of anxiety in their parents. Most of them, however, can be stopped quite easily, but the question...
Warm, muggy, humid... Holidays, apart from relaxation, are often associated with mosquitoes, whose plague floods the country. How do you protect yourself from them? What can you do to reduce the pain...
Just as, when discussing basic vital signs, attention is drawn to blood pressure or heart function, breathing rate is often much less mentioned. Meanwhile, both decreased and increased respiratory...
An insect bite can cause a life-threatening reaction known as an anaphylactic reaction. What should you do if your child is stung by a bee or bitten by an insect? How do you deal with the burning,...
Younger and younger children are eagerly using smartphones. Parents often see nothing wrong with this, but the WHO has a completely different opinion on the subject.
Constipation can affect any age group, but it is particularly worrying when it affects the youngest - parents of infants with constipated babies often worry about their children. There are, however,...
Disability in children is an unfavourable phenomenon mainly due to the fact that early childhood is the period of the child's fastest development. Any limitation in this area results in the...
Helicobacter py roli, by its presence in the human digestive system, can lead to a number of pathological changes. In the course of development and worsening of the abnormalities, a number of...
While children undeniably enjoy their playtime, their parents often have to deal with the opposite feeling - for example, when their children get dirty with strong glue. The glue can be either on the...
Bariatric surgery is a procedure that is used to treat extreme obesity. They are mainly carried out on adults, but obesity can affect people of all ages, including children. Are bariatric surgeries...
Baby Led Weaning is an alternative method of introducing complementary foods into an infant's diet, based on the baby's own choice of feeding.
A group of researchers from the University of Essex in Colchester (UK) compared the physical fitness of today's 10-year-olds and those born 20 years ago. Ten-year-olds, according to the new study,...
The appearance of the first teeth is a long-awaited moment. At last, after weeks of whining, crying and pain, the coveted first tooth appears. How should the first teeth be looked after? Why is it so...
It is not uncommon for new parents to be confronted with many different dilemmas. These can range from how often to feed the baby to how to bathe the baby. Another issue of particular interest to...
Contrary to what you might think, it is far more common for a child to fall. After a fall, a toddler usually gets up, shakes it off and is able to continue playing, but what if a baby falls off the...
Teeth are considered by many to be a factor in human beauty. Teeth whitening is therefore becoming increasingly popular in modern times. Typically adults are interested in these procedures, but what...
Hiccups - who among us hasn't experienced them? In principle, it is not associated with any health risk, but sometimes - especially when it persists for a long time - we wonder how to stop it....