30% of cases of acute urticaria are due to food allergens.
Everyone has a varying number of moles, warts and pigmented spots and nevi on their skin. Unfortunately, not everyone knows which of these can be dangerous to our health and life. Patients are...
Skin lesions have various forms. Depending on, among other things, location, structure, colour, etc., they are referred to as, for example: spot, macule, nodule, tumour, scar, blister, blister,...
Rosacea is a skin disease caused by streptococci, common mainly in adults. The development of rosacea is favoured by disorders of the venous and lymphatic circulation.
Scabies is an infectious parasitic disease whose aetiological agent is the human scabies. The parasites are mainly found on the skin. In developing countries, approximately 5-10% of children are...
Infectious impetigo is a bacterial disease of mostly staphylococcal aetiology, occurring mainly in children and characterised by blisters that burst leaving honey-yellow scabs.
Skin cancers are most commonly carcinomas. Among them, basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is several times less common. In recent years, there has been an increase in the incidence of skin...
Acne rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the face with an incompletely understood aetiology. It occurs in both women and men. It always follows puberty.
Contagious erythema is a rash viral disease caused by parvovirus B19. It can occur at any age. The source of infection is a sick or asymptomatically infected person. It infects before the rash...
Rosacea is usually associated with a beautiful flower or a woman's name, but it also means a severe disease. Rosacea is an acute inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, accompanied by a...
White keratosis / leukoplakia / are white patches with a smooth or slightly papillary surface located in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and genitalia.
Solar keratoses are common erythematous or yellow-brown, rough, dry lesions on elderly or sun-damaged skin, located mainly on the face and other exposed areas.
A hard fibroma is a single, fairly hard, non-painful benign nodule that is skin-coloured or slightly brown in colour, usually a single nodule that is displaced with the skin relative to the substrate.
A soft fibroma is a soft non-painful nodule a few mm to a few cm in diameter, skin or brown in colour, often uszypułowany, hanging bag-like. Soft fibroma is a benign neoplasm of a congenital...
Pigmentary disorders include vitiligo, freckles and chloasma. What are the characteristics of pigmented disorders?
Skin lesions are all visible changes on the skin. They are characterised by primary and secondary lesions. These lesions are congenital or appear during life and are characterised by their benign or...
Erythema multiforme, otherwise known as exudative erythema, is manifested by swollen, bluish red lesions.
Acrias, or inflammation of the corners of the mouth, are foci of chronic infection. They take the form of painful erosions and often bleed. The main symptoms of the disease are redness, cracks and...
The nail organ consists of the nail plate and adjacent tissues. Symptoms of diseases of this organ include atrophic and hypertrophic changes, a change in colour, shape or changes in the nail-base...
Blackheads are a very common skin lesion. They occur on the face, chest and back. They are caused by sebum stagnation and keratosis of the follicle orifices. The lesions have a tendency to recur,...