
Diet after myocardial infarction

Diet after myocardial infarction


Healthy food

Myocardialinfarction is a condition that is an immediate threat to the patient's life and health. It is classified as one of the coronary heart diseases, in which an area of necrosis develops due to the closure or severe narrowing of the artery lumen. The heart is not properly supplied with blood. This leads to severe stabbing and throbbing pain in the chest, radiating to the hands or jaw, dizziness and headache, shortness of breath and fainting.


Diet after myocardial infarction - Symptoms and course

Diet after a myocardial infarction

After a myocardial infarction, it is necessary to take pharmacological agents and follow the doctor's instructions. Regular medical examinations and consultations are also important. However, the right lifestyle, i.e. the right amount of physical activity and diet, should not be forgotten.

Thepost-MI diet is determined individually for each patient. In patients who are in hospital, lying down, it must be easy to digest and fluid. In the following days, an easily digestible diet is maintained; importantly, meals should be given up to six times a day, in small quantities. After leaving hospital, the patient must continue the diet prescribed by the doctor.

It is essential to eliminate products that contain a large amount of cholesterol (fatty meat, egg yolks or dairyproducts) and replace them with such products as:sea fish, lean meat, vegetables, fruit, skimmedmilk products, it is worth introducing garlic, green salad, chokeberry, sage, camomile, green tea, nuts, soya or mint into your diet. Alcohol, beer and smoking should be avoided. And don't forget products rich in ORBCsGA-3 acids.