
A beautiful and healthy smile

Monika Mierzwa

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A beautiful and healthy smile


Teeth whitening

A healthy smile has always been a person's calling card. Above all, it makes a great first impression by giving us confidence.


Perfect teeth with a pearly sheen are undoubtedly our most beautiful and important attribute. Showbiz people know this, too, and invest a lot of money in their perfect smile because it is their calling card. Today, we have great access to easy, quick and pleasant, and most importantly, effective methods for snow-white teeth. We can apply them both at the dentist's office and in our homes.

Consultation with the dentist

Before we decide on a teeth whitening treatment, we should first of all take care of our teeth. So what if we have shiny teeth when they are broken, diseased or covered with tartar. Do not immediately reach for the first whitening toothpaste or any other chemical on the supermarket shelf.

It is worth consulting a dentist who will help you choose the right method. It may turn out that it is enough to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth to make them white. Tartar can be removed in several ways - manually, mechanically (ultrasound, sound). Deposits are now removed by gentle tooth sandblasting. This method is completely safe for the enamel. It is also worth consulting your orthodontist. Perhaps you should decide to straighten your teeth first and only then undergo teeth whitening.

To make them white

In addition, each of us comes into the world with a "genetically programmed" tooth colour. There are many shades: from white, cream to yellowish or grey. Our teeth also darken with age. We ourselves contribute to the change in the colour of our enamel by smoking, drinking coffee, tea and red wine.

photo ojoimages

In order to restore the desired shade of teeth, we have a number of forms at our disposal, from commonly used home methods to professional treatments in dental surgeries. The choice depends on our expectations and wallet. The whitening method is also chosen depending on the bone colour, enamel structure, sensitivity and condition of the teeth.

Home methods of teeth whitening - toothpastes, strips, gels

If we want to slightly brighten our smile, we can use whitening pastes. On the market, there is a whole range of them. They remove small discolourations, but do not change the colour of the enamel. This method requires consistency and regular and prolonged daily use. Some toothpastes contain abrasives and their prolonged use can damage the enamel. Above all, the toothpaste should be safe and, in addition to whitening, it should also care for the teeth. In the better drugstores and pharmacies we can get whitening strips and gels. They contain the same substances that are used in dental surgeries, but in a much lower concentration. They can lighten teeth by up to 2-4 tones.

Professional whitening - overlay

The dentist prepares trays adjacent to the teeth. We apply them together with a special gel every day at night and for a few hours during the day. The entire cycle lasts about 10 days. The effect is visible already after 5-6 days of treatment and lasts from 6 months to more than 12 months.