
A beautiful and healthy smile

Monika Mierzwa

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A beautiful and healthy smile


Teeth whitening

A healthy smile has always been a person's calling card. Above all, it makes a great first impression by giving us confidence.


The Beyond method - a snow-white smile in one hour

This treatment is capable of brightening teeth by more than 8 shades on the VITA scale. The dentist applies a whitening gel with hydrogen peroxide and silicon dioxide to the teeth and then irradiates it with a specialised lamp. The procedure is rather painless, but often the teeth are hypersensitive for the next 1-2 days. The effect lasts from about one to two years.

Brite Smile method

A method of teeth whitening which combines a whitening gel and a modern LED lamp emitting blue cold light. In this method, the rise in temperatures that can cause prolonged tooth sensitivity is eliminated. It also has the advantage of using a slightly lower concentration of whitening gel compared to the previous method. During a 1.5-hour treatment, we can achieve a shade approximately 8 degrees lighter.

The effect lasts for about 2-3 years or, if we follow a proper diet and use special cosmetics, it can last longer. Veneers This is one of the methods of improving the appearance of dead teeth and teeth with very large discolourations.

Veneers are thin composite or porcelain plates that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. The procedure involves grinding away a thin layer of tooth and forming a cap. Veneers are most commonly used to correct aesthetic defects in front teeth.

And when is tooth whitening not recommended?

Unfortunately, pregnant women, people under the age of 16 and patients with Parkinson's disease and epilepsy are not allowed to have whitening treatments.

Daily care and maintenance of the effect

Once we have a pearly beautiful smile, we should remember about daily care to maintain the effect of expensive whitening. Even the most expensive and effective whitening treatment can quickly wear off if we do not take care of our daily oral hygiene.

photo: ojoimages

So remember to brush your teeth every day after every meal. We should try to replace our toothbrush every three months. In addition, we can use mouthwash and dental floss. This will ensure that when we brush our teeth, we thoroughly remove food residues and maintain a pristine whiteness.