
'How to cope in hot weather' - 5 effective ways to deal with the heat

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'How to cope in hot weather' - 5 effective ways to deal with the heat


Swimming pool

Hot days are an unmissable part of the summer months. For many people, however, high temperatures are a nuisance, so we have put together some tips on how to survive this period.


4. Moisturise and cool your skin. Working in air-conditioned rooms, and overexposure to the sun, can promote dry skin. Carry a bottle of thermal water with you at all times. It is great for moisturising the skin, soothes and provides immediate relief. It gives a refreshing feeling. However, remember to wipe off any excess water with a tissue 5 minutes after application. With thermal water, you will keep your skin in impeccable condition. Cooling gels are also great; they can be applied to the skin as well as to tights.

If you have the option, take a cool shower. Do this as many times during the day as you like. The skin is our body's largest organ; if you cool it down, you will immediately feel better. If you are at home, you can put your feet in a dish (bowl) of cold water. The feet have a great blood supply and the blood flowing through them will cool the whole body. It is also a good idea to use various cooling devices like fans, which provide significant relief, especially if you moisten the skin beforehand.

5. Take care of your body. If you're struggling with increased sweating, get help from specialists. The most effective method is injecting the armpits with botulinum toxin. The effect lasts for about 6 months and gives full comfort of "dry armpits". This is currently the most effective and very safe method of treating hyperhidrosis," says Dr Stopinska.

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It is also important to remember about the feet. Abrasions and burns can often occur. The best way to prevent them is to use special sticks for sensitive areas of the feet and refreshing tonics with anti-fungal action. When wearing covered shoes, the use of talcum powder will be effective, as it is great for absorbing perspiration and protecting the interdigital spaces from the development of fungal lesions.

In conclusion, in order to survive the heat in good condition, use several methods at the same time. Choose the ones you think are most effective for you. Also, don't be afraid to experiment. Everyone is different. Maybe ask your friends what methods they have? Don't give up and you will certainly get through this hectic period in good shape and with a great feeling of well-being. Which is what the editors wish for you, and for yourself.