
Intestinal obstruction in children

Intestinal obstruction in children


Pediatrician visit

Intestinal obstruction in children, also known as constipation. Many parents, do not realise that untreated intestinal obstruction can lead to many health problems and even death within hours.


Ways to treat bowel obstruction

If you notice the above symptoms in your child, do not wait for them to resolve on their own. See a paediatrician as soon as possible or take the child to a hospital emergency department. Do not give your child laxatives, painkillers or decongestants without consulting a doctor. You should also not massage a bloated tummy, apply warm compresses or use a thermos flannel on the abdomen until you know the cause of the bowel obstruction.

photo: panthermedia

Treatment of constipation includes: giving laxatives appropriate to the child's age and following the diet prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, a surgical procedure to remove the blockage in the intestines may be necessary.