Autumn and winter are seasons that lead to many changes not only in nature, but also in our entire body. This is particularly noticeable on the skin not only of our face, but of our entire body.
Crackedheels are a very painful condition that occurs not only in women but also in men. It can occur at different ages and at any time of the year. In some cases, it poses a danger to the patient's...
Taking care of our skin is very important in order to keep it properly moisturised, healthy looking and to delay the ageing process. Nowadays, preparations are available that are highly condensed and...
Argan oil, is used in many countries. Argan trees are commonly found in Morocco (in its south-western part to be precise). The fruit of the tree is oval-shaped, fleshy and the seeds contain a natural...
There are now a very large number of cosmetics on the market that are designed to combat various types of skin discolouration.
We are hearing more and more about retinol creams. This is because it is described as the "creator of youth".
Recent scientific studies and observations by dermatologists and cosmetologists show that the improper use of various types of cosmetics can be dangerous to our health.
For most women, all wrinkles are the same. They appear on the skin as we age. They resemble longitudinal depressions on the skin.
Hybridmanicure is increasingly being chosen by women. Initially it was thought that hybrid nail varnish damaged the nail plate, today we know otherwise.
Dermatological and cosmetic procedures using low-frequency current require that both the client and the cosmetologist are enclosed in a single circuit of current flow. This creates an electrpstatic...
Current has also found its way into cosmetic applications. Treatments using high-frequency alternating current are called dasronvisation. It is a treatment that can be applied generally or topically...
Ultrasound is an acoustic wave with a frequency of more than 20 kHz, which causes mechanical, thermal and physicochemical reactions in body tissues. The action of ultrasound on the skin causes a...
By combining its strengths with physics, medicine has acquired an excellent tool for dermatologists and cosmetologists - the laser. Laser therapy has made it possible to combat previously untreatable...
Collagen therapy is a method used in plastic surgery to smooth out wrinkles and reduce superficial scarring. It can consist of injecting an appropriate amount of collagen into a specific area of the...
Our skin is exposed to many factors that accelerate the ageing process. Most of these are related to our lifestyle elements such as a diet high in sugars and carbohydrates, drinking alcohol, smoking...
Herbs and their healing properties have been known to man since the dawn of time. Until the middle of the 19th century, medicinal preparations were largely based only on plant components. Herbs have...
In response to the signs of ageing, a number of methods can be found to improve the appearance of the skin and rejuvenate it. One of the methods used to reduce wrinkles is coblation, which results in...
Invitro research is a method by which, under artificial conditions, living cells of an organism are kept alive. Thanks to the development of this research method, it is possible to obtain skin cells...
Every cosmetic product needs to be tested before it is released for sale. Such tests are carried out in specialised centres with the participation of volunteers. The whole process is subject to...
Cosmeceuticals and dermocosmetics are innovative proposals for people with specific skin problems. Directed and targeted at a specific skin problem, they promise to have both a caring and therapeutic...