How do ovulation testers work? Shortly before ovulation, the level of salts (electrolytes) increases significantly in the human body fluids at the same time as the hormone oestrogen (especially in...
An IUD is a type of contraception. It is a small flexible object 2-4 cm long. It is made up of a shaft and arms that resemble the letter T.
The morning-after pill is known as postcoital, emergency or crisis contraception.
TheIUD is one of the mechanical methods of preventing pregnancy. It is often an alternative for women who cannot use hormonal contraception for various reasons. This article contains a lot of...
The history of the most effective and at the same time easiest to use contraceptive method - hormonal contraception - dates back to the mid-20th century. It owes its rapid development to Pincus, Rock...
The effect of hormonal contraception on the process of carcinogenesis is still a controversial issue and research is still being conducted in this direction. The lack of conclusive data on this...
A modern contraceptive method in the form of a hormone-releasing patch.
One of the third-generation progestogens, a 19-nortestosterone derivative, used as an ingredient in contraceptive drugs and used in HRT.
This article, aimed primarily at young women, outlines the basic rules of conduct when using hormonal contraceptive pills. It enables women to find many answers to the questions they most frequently...
Permanent infertilisation (sterilisation) of a woman or man by surgical ligation and cutting of the fallopian tubes or spermatic cord.
Return of normal ovulatory cycles after withdrawal of hormonal contraception used for contraceptive or therapeutic purposes.
Complications associated with smoking while using oral contraceptive pills.
Taking a pill after intercourse containing a high amount of hormones to avoid unwanted pregnancy in emergency situations that may lead to conception.
Bodily dysfunction resulting in insufficient absorption of the hormones contained in the contraceptive pill.
Any discomfort that occurs during the use of oral hormonal contraception.