What is thrombosis? What effect does it have on the human body? What can predispose to thrombosis? Thrombosis is otherwise known as venous thromboembolism, which includes deep vein thrombosis and...
As recently as a dozen or so years ago, few people in Poland considered visiting a sexologist at all, but nowadays more and more people are taking advice from this type of specialist. When is it...
Endometriosis is most often diagnosed in women in their 3rd and 4th decade of life, however, in practice, the disease can develop in patients much earlier - it is very possible to develop...
HepatitisC (HCV) is a disease that can affect both sexes. In women, however, it is very important to recognise it because, particularly if the patient does not know she has the disease, there is a...
It comes as no surprise that women experience uncomfortable menstrual periods . However, some patients experience such intense pain during menstruation that they are unable to function normally. What...
According to statistics, cervical cancer is one of the most common gynaecological cancers. Modern treatment methods offer the chance of complete remission provided it is detected early. That is why...
H. pyloriV, or human papilloma virus, is a type of highly ionogenic virus that causes cancerous lesions in the cervix. The H. pyloriV vaccine, although available, has not yet found wide public...
COVID-19 is a disease whose symptoms, as well as its complications, are continually being discovered. While some of the consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection have long been known, others are only just...
Smoking has long been associated with a range of health problems, particularly erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. To date, little is known about whether these problems also affect men...
TheH. pyloriV virus is a very dangerous microorganism - it can live in the human body for many years without producing any symptoms, yet it plays an important role in the pathogenesis of a serious...
Nowadays, gender reassignment procedures are carried out far more frequently than until recently. As a result, various doubts and questions may arise, both for those who decide to undergo them and...
Centile grids are charts that allow the physical development of children and young people to be assessed. They are one of many methods of assessing a child. The most commonly used are centile grids...
On what they are, what their normal values should be and how to treat elevated urinary ketones.
Postpartum is an extremely important time in a woman's life. It is when all the changes that have taken place during pregnancy are reversed. It is worthwhile for a young mother to know what is going...
The menstrual cycle is a complex process that occurs regularly in women's bodies. It is influenced by different hormones and, in general, is aimed at preparing the body for a possible pregnancy. How...
Scientists believe that female sex hormones protect against a severe course of COVID-19. These compounds have anti-inflammatory effects, stimulate the production of antibodies and promote the repair...
Shortly after birth, the baby begins to refine and develop its senses. In the subsequent stages of life, so-called developmental leaps appear, which are relatively easy to spot. What is meant by a...
FragileX synd rome is classified as a rare disease with a genetic basis. The causes of the disease are still unknown - it is difficult to pinpoint what specifically contributes to the occurrence of...
Infantile colic is a problem faced by many parents of small patients - it is estimated to occur in up to more than 25% of infants. Colic causes outright horror for some carers, but fortunately it...
According to statistics, endometriosis affects between 6% and 10% of women of reproductive age. Despite the fact that the disease is becoming more common, most women still remain undiagnosed. What is...