The problem of urinary incontinence is a common phenomenon that often becomes the reason for a slow withdrawal from daily social and occupational functioning. This leads to a reduced quality of life...
Usually, the primary task of the uterus is considered to be its role in reproduction - after all, it is where the foetus develops during the nine months of pregnancy. However, more and more...
Urolithiasis is a condition in which deposits, consisting of normal or pathological components of urine, begin to build up in the kidneys or urinary tract.
Ovarian cancer is one of the cancers that are usually only detected at a very advanced stage - late diagnosis of the disease results in a poorer prognosis for patients suffering from this entity. It...
Cystinuria is categorised as a disease that manifests itself by a disruption in the transport of amino acids at the level of the renal tubules. The disruption in amino acid transport results in the...
The highly respected and esteemed gynaecologist, Doctor of Medicine, Romuald Dębski, died on 20 December.
Endometriosis is a condition that affects around 10 % of women and is diagnosed in up to 50 - 60 % of women undergoing infertility treatment. The essence of this condition is the presence of...
The fact that the world is moving at breakneck speed is probably no surprise to anyone these days. Technological innovations enter the market so quickly that we often can't keep up with browsing...
Excess body weight in postmenopausal women increases the risk of breast cancer - this has been known for some time. However, it turns out that it may be different in younger women, in whom excessive...
GBS - a mysterious autoimmune disease that wreaks havoc on the body. What are its causes? What is the treatment? Are the chances of recovery high?
Have you heard of PMDD? Pain before and during menstruation, known in the literature as premenstrual dysphoric disorder, affects many women. Unfortunately, few of them know that they can help...
Complications of prematurity are undoubtedly a challenge of modern medicine. Whereas only a few decades ago newborns born before the planned due date had little chance of survival, today's drugs and...
October, like every year, is the month when the importance of diagnosis in cancer treatment is publicised. The pink ribbon, symbolising the fight against breast cancer, should not only remind people...
They don't usually make themselves known. You function normally and don't feel any different. More often than not, during a routine check-up with your doctor, it turns out that your ovaries are not...
Intermenstrual spotting can be linked to the use of hormonal contraceptives, but also to the development of a cancer of the reproductive organs or to contracting one of the sexually transmitted...
24 June is celebrated worldwide as World Osteoporosis Day. The holiday was established due to the ever-increasing number of people who develop the disease. The day aims to raise awareness of how to...
According to 2016 statistics, almost 2 million people were infected with HIV - this means that, on average, around 5,000 new infections occur per day. The figures presented thus perfectly justify why...
As more and more people are struggling to get pregnant - according to the WHO, up to 25% of all couples trying to have a baby may have this type of disorder - scientists are constantly looking for...
Alcoholisation is a procedure for damaging the ganglia or nerve fibres that conduct pain stimuli from the anatomical areas concerned through the administration of an ethyl alcohol solution. In...
Cytology is one of the extremely important examinations that every woman should remember. The correct preparation for the test is crucial for the subsequent evaluation of the material taken.