Prebiotics (not to be confused with probiotics!) are carbohydrates that are not digested in the digestive tract, most commonly fructo- and galacto-oligosaccharides, whose beneficial biological...
The prevention of post-antibiotic diarrhoea is one of the best known and documented actions of probiotics, especially the Lactobacillus GG (LGG) strain.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103), better known as Lactobacillus GG, or simply LGG, is one of the best-known probiotics. It is a specific strain of bacteria with particularly well-documented...
Probiotics are preparations or products containing a sufficient number of live, well-defined microorganisms that exert a beneficial health effect on the human body.
Cystic fibrosis is a chronic disease with a genetic basis. It can significantly impair a child's health.
Pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae), are bacteria that cause serious infections in children, such as meningitis, septicaemia and pneumonia.
A modern, conjugated pneumococcal (Streptococcus pneumoniae) vaccine is now available in our country, with documented efficacy in children as young as two months of age.
Autism is a condition with an incompletely explained origin. There is a widespread belief among parents of children with autism that a gluten-free diet has a beneficial effect on the child. In...
In daily practice, there are situations where a single vaccine is recommended according to the vaccination calendar, but only combination vaccines with other antigens are available.
We can experience symptoms of vitamin D3 overdose in several situations.
Most parents are confronted with the issue of additional (recommended) vaccinations as early as the first year of their child's life. Is it worth extending the vaccination calendar and additionally...
A stool is called a condition when the foreskin cannot be retracted from the glans penis.
Diseases of the nervous system are the most common reason for permanent or temporary deferral of vaccinations. There is particular concern about pertussis vaccination, which can trigger seizures or...
Immunodeficiencies are divided into primary (congenital) immunodeficiencies, consisting of a genetically determined deficiency of immunoglobulins or immune cells, and secondary immunodeficiencies,...
Urobilinogen is a product of the metabolism of the bile pigment bilirubin. It is a water-soluble compound and can be present in the urine in any healthy person. Urinary excretion of urobilinogen...
Most children vaccinated against hepatitis B in infancy retain immunological memory for at least 15 years.
In certain cases, preventive vaccination should be postponed. The most frequent reason is an acute infectious disease. In the opinion of vaccination experts, children in whom there are in fact no...
The first vaccination against tuberculosis is given to all newborns born in good condition on day 1 of life. The vaccine is given together with the hepatitis B vaccination.