The pathological symptoms of Kostmann syndrome appear in early childhood. Kostmann syndrome is classified as congenital neutropenia, affecting between 1 and 6 people per 1000000 healthy births....
Will the crisis of bacterial resistance to known antibiotics be averted? All indications are that Dr Sean Brady's team at Rockefeller University in New York has made a breakthrough!
Vaccination is constantly a controversial topic - its opponents postulate that vaccines are dangerous for children because they can cause various side effects. Fortunately, however, publications are...
Nowadays, curing lice, if we choose the right product, is simple and feasible after one treatment.
The topic of vaccination continues to be covered in various media. The reason for this is above all, to the dismay of doctors, the growing aversion to vaccination. There are many myths surrounding...
A report by the Polish Humanitarian Team shows that the risk of contracting tuberculosis in Ukraine is six times higher than in Poland. The head of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate Marek Posobkiewicz,...
European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EDWA) is celebrated every year on 18 November. The day was established in 2008 by the European Commission at the request of the European Centre for Disease...
Everyone has heard of probiotic bacteria - whether they are found in yoghurt, pickled cucumbers, sour cabbage or, last but not least, in probiotic preparations, they support the functioning of our...
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are associated as conditions affecting adults. However, it appears that many children also suffer from abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland. Here, too, it...
From the first of January this year, vaccination against pneumococci entered the compulsory vaccination calendar. There are also more and more voices suggesting that it is worth vaccinating children...
When a baby is born, parents are overwhelmed with euphoria. The little one changes our everyday life and watching him or her grow brings pride and joy. Unfortunately, almost every child encounters...
The prophylactic intake of long-chain, polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids by pregnant women during the third trimester has been shown to reduce the risk of asthma, wheezing episodes and respiratory...
A rash in a child is a very common paediatric problem. It is most often a manifestation of harmless viral infections, which are self-limiting after some time. Treatment consists mainly of proper care...
On 14 February 2017, nine countries (Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda) pledged to halve the number of maternal and newborn deaths in their...
the European Antibiotic Awareness Day is celebrated on18 November. It is an annual initiative to raise awareness of the prudent use of antibiotics, not only in paediatrics but in various medical...
Pneumococci - this name is appearing more and more frequently in the media. Parents of young children hear that, on the one hand, it is worth vaccinating their children to protect them from disease,...
Children are very susceptible to various types of bacterial infections. The most common bacteria in children in the nursery, pre-school and early school years are pneumococci. They lead to upper...
Influenza is a disease that has been known for a very long time. It attacks not only humans but also animals. The influenza virus is very specific and capable of constant mutation and variability....
Tuberculosis is a disease that is vaccinated with the BCG vaccine (from: Bacillus, Calmett and Guerin). All newborn babies should receive it while still in hospital.
Agenesis is nothing more than the complete absence of an organ. In the case of lung agenesis, the lungs do not develop. It is a malformation of the lungs.