Despite medical advances, cancer is still the number one cause of death in children under 15 years of age. Children who have been cured of advanced cancer are at risk of experiencing many sequelae of...
Cancer is a condition that has to do with a genetic disorder in humans.
Although it is not the most common type of cancer, it is a very malignant disease that develops rapidly and gives metastases. Primary malignant bone tumours are difficult to diagnose. Due to its...
Cancer is an increasingly common problem, even though there is a lot of talk about early diagnosis and regular examinations. Let us remember that observation of one's body, constant medical...
Morphine belongs to the alkaloid group. It is a psychoactive substance. Over time, there is an increase in tolerance to the doses taken, so in order for the effects to be the same as at the start of...
In cases of frontal lobe tumours, their symptomatology is related to the location or size of the tumour. A distinction can be made here when:
The diagnosis of cancer changes a patient's life dramatically. These changes also affect the sexual sphere of life.
Brain tumours can be located in different parts of the brain. Their growth, location and consistency affect the symptoms experienced by the patient.
Tumours of the head and neck are relatively rare. They represent a group of different diseases with an often aggressive course.
Leukaemia is classed as one of the most common malignancies in children. It can appear unexpectedly in children of all age ranges.
A child's cancer illness has an impact on the whole family system. It involves adaptation to new conditions, often unpredictable and therefore a loss of security.
Malignant granulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease) is a malignant disease that initially involves the lymph nodes, but as the disease develops and progresses, other organs (e.g. spleen, bone marrow or...
Wilms' tumour is one of the most common childhood renal tumours and affects children up to the age of seven.
Metabolic disorders occurring together with cancer can interfere with the diagnosis of the disease and can be a direct cause of a life-threatening and health-threatening condition.
This type of cancer fortunately does not boast a high incidence in our country.
Histologically, thyroid cancer can be divided into differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas. The latter group includes medullary carcinoma and anaplastic carcinoma. The former is abbreviated...
The histological classification of thyroid cancer distinguishes between papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, low-differentiated carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma and other...
Tumours of the eye, especially malignant ones, can involve and be located in different areas (eyelid, retina, iris, near the optic nerves, on the skin around the eyes or on the lacrimal gland).
Thyroid cancer is relatively rare (only 1% of all human malignancies). At one time there was a lot of talk about iodine deficiency in Poland. Follicular thyroid cancer is precisely related to this...
Oral cancer in its initial stage does not give any symptoms and in most cases the patient comes to see the doctor when it is in its advanced stage.