The development of cancer is a multi-step process starting from initiation through promotion to progression and development of the tumour. There are many factors that can initiate this reaction. One...
Fat-soluble plant pigments called carotenoids may be important for protection against cancerous tumour development.
Constipation is said to occur when stool is passed less than 3 times a week or when its consistency changes - it is hard, compact or passed with difficulty. The most common causes of constipation...
Damage to the intestinal epithelial cells during chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy can lead to diarrhoea, i.e. defecation more than three times a day. We can alleviate this condition by following...
Lipoma is a neoplastic lesion, in most cases benign, which should not be feared. It is a neoplasm of the connective tissue. It can appear in men and women of different ages. Fatty tumours usually...
Both progressive loss of appetite and weight loss as a result of cancer progression are poor prognostic factors and may contribute to worsening treatment tolerance.
Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Poland and Europe. Due to the steady systematic decrease in deaths from cardiovascular diseases, they are likely to become our main killer in the...
Contrary to popular belief, e-cigarettes also have a devastating effect on smokers' health.
A lipomais otherwise known as a lipoma, which is classed as a benign tumour. In most cases, it does not require specialised treatment.
Nearly three quarters of British adults will be diagnosed overweight and obese in 2035, according to one recent UK report, with a steep rise in cancer cases of up to 700,000.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified processed meat as one of the most carcinogenic agents, right next to smoking and asbestos.
A person's diet after cancer cure should be strictly controlled, as it can make a significant contribution to reducing recurrence and rebuilding cells damaged during treatment.
Cancer diseases are increasingly being diagnosed in Poland and worldwide. At present, they are the second cause of death after circulatory diseases. What are the causes of cancer?
Neck and head cancer patients have a suicide rate three times higher than that of healthy people.
The WHO has published research according to which the consumption of red and highly processed meat may be linked to the incidence of colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer is a neoplasm occurring in: the colon, sigmoid flexure and rectum. In 90-95% of cases the incidence of colorectal cancer is sporadic, in the remaining 5-10% there is a hereditary...
Lung cancer (bronchogenic carcinoma), is a malignant neoplasm originating from the epithelium of the airways. It accounts for the vast majority of lung cancers and is the most common malignant...
The oral cavity is the first section of the digestive system where ingested food is broken down, moistened and pre-digested. All these functions are possible thanks to the structure of the oral...
Tumours of the heart are rare. Most often they are benign lesions. They usually give symptoms in the form of palpitations, dizziness or syncope.
Cancer treatment, although it brings hope and the chance of a cure, very often leads to disturbances of the body's homeostasis. It is in the course of the entire treatment process that cancer...