Arterial hypertension is a highly prevalent disease in the population. It can become a direct cause of life- and health-threatening conditions by increasing the risk of stroke or myocardial...
Dementias and Alzheimer's disease pose a challenge for diagnosticians because, given the wide range of symptoms, it is easy to make an incorrect diagnosis. PET scans, or lumbar puncture scans, are...
Neurodegenerative diseases are increasingly prevalent in the elderly population. The vast majority of patients undergo imaging studies that show brain structures, but functional studies, which...
Further reports on factors affecting the development of cognitive impairment are coming from the University of Philadelphia. Doctors there looked into how the state of nervous tissue is affected by...
The BRCA1 gene has been known since 1994, where Yoshio Miki, described its role in the inheritance of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Recently, we have been hearing a lot about the role of this...
The BRCA1 gene has been known since 1994, where Yoshio Miki, described its role in the inheritance of breast and ovarian cancer. Recently, we have been hearing a lot about the role of this gene in...
Alzheimer's disease is a common disease of old age that leads to dementia through degenerative changes in the brain. It is the most common cause of dementia in people over 70 years of age. It...
"I can't remember where I put my glasses down", "I think I put it down here..."- sound familiar? Nearly 450,000 people in our country have memory problems and nearly 250,000 have Alzheimer's! It...
MiRNAs are categorised as small non-coding RNA molecules that play a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, including those of neurological origin.
Research conducted at New York's Columbia University Medical Center shows that a diet rich in omega-3 qusay can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease is classified as a central nervous system (CNS) disease of neurodegenerative origin. The causes of this disease are still unknown, although both genetic (genetic predisposition)...
Alzheimer 's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Due to the ageing of the population, it is becoming an increasingly serious problem. Are there any preventive...
The main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are impaired cognitive function, as well as sensory and sensory perception. People with the condition have impaired intellectual and physical fitness. In...
Dementia is usually a chronic, progressive syndrome characterised by a gradual deterioration of intellectual abilities such as memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, numeracy, learning...
Alzheimer 's disease is a disease with a long and progressive course, leading inevitably to total disability, both mental and physical. It can be divided into three stages - mild, moderate and...