
Proper diet and medication intake of a person with Alzheimer's disease

Proper diet and medication intake of a person with Alzheimer's disease


Vegetable salad

Proper diet and regular use of medication play a special role for people affected by Alzheimer's disease.


The person with Alzheimer's should be seated at the table in a chair and try to avoid feeding in bed for as long as possible. It is important that the food is liked by the patient (ask them) and is properly seasoned. It is crucial that the food is properly minced and cooked. There must be no bones, bones, thick skin, etc. in the food. When Alzheimer's patients begin to have difficulty swallowing, the food must be of a pulpy or even liquid consistency.

When feeding, the affected person must not be left alone, especially if they have food in their mouth. They often forget to swallow or bite, and choking may occur. This is a life-threatening situation for the patient. Always check the temperature of the food or drink before serving it. If the food or drink is too hot, the patient may suffer burns. Wrap the sick person up in a cloak before meals or cover them with a towel or towelette. This will prevent his/her clothes from getting dirty.

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Solid, regular meals should be supplemented with snacks, fruit or vegetables. If the sick person refuses to eat, meals should be changed and substituted, but it is also a good idea to check the state of the patient's mouth and ask if he or she has any discomfort after eating. If you are unable to do this yourself, it is a good idea to call the doctor. This may be related, for example, to toothache, sore throat or indigestion and abdominal pain after eating.

It is also crucial to take the medication prescribed by the doctor on a regular basis. The person affected by Alzheimer's disease must take them every day and this must be ensured by the carer. The medication is always given at the same time and if the patient does not want to take it separately it should be given with meals.