Could a headache be caused by... diseased teeth? Tooth decay, gum problems and inflammation can cause a number of negative effects, and a headache is one of them.
Tooth loss is mainly associated with the fact that it leads to the need to change one's diet or to replace the resulting cavities with the use of dentures, for example. While this phenomenon is...
Doctors are constantly warning patients not to use antibiotics on their own, as overuse of these drugs can promote drug resistance in bacteria, among other things. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is...
Oral allergy syndrome -also known as oral allergy syndrome, oral anaphylaxis and Amlot-Lessof synd rome - is a condition of people who are allergic to pollen (including grasses). The allergy occurs...
Bad breath happens to everyone - eating a meal and not brushing your teeth afterwards is enough. However, some people suffer from exceptionally bad breath. What could be the causes of this problem...
Cirrhosis, a condition that is unfortunately becoming more and more frequent, puts the patient at risk of various problems such as oesophageal varices, ascites or hepatic encephalopathy, among...
Dental cavities are typically associated with tooth decay, but the truth is that cavities of a completely different origin can occur in the human dentition. Such cavities are cervical cavities, which...
Genetic diseases have accompanied mankind for centuries and the phenomenon of inheritance itself, although unexplained and not fully understood, has nevertheless been noted. Today, some 4 000...
Typically, the gums are pink in colour. However, their colour is an individual characteristic - some people have lighter and others darker gums, and this is perfectly normal. Sometimes, however, you...
Many people wear braces to achieve straight teeth. The components of the braces cover a significant part of the tooth surface, thus making oral hygiene difficult. This state of affairs puts you at...
Black discolouration of teeth is typically associated with dental caries, however, the appearance of such changes in the colour of teeth may also be influenced by the patient's use of stimulants...
Dental caries is one of the most widespread health problems in the world. Poland is the leading country in caries problems in Europe with 90% of the population suffering from this type of oral...
The health benefits of consuming wine (in reasonable quantities, of course) have been talked about for a long time. Among other things, the alcohol is said to have a beneficial effect on the heart or...
Tooth loss is a problem that is not unfamiliar to the human species - according to US statistics, only less than 35% of US citizens between the ages of 40 and 64 have all their teeth. The situation...
A visit to the dentist is associated with drilling and the drill and its unpleasant characteristic sound. Not to mention such additional attractions as the unpleasant feeling of pressure, vibrations...
Acidic foodscan lead to enamel erosion - a fact that has been known for a long time. However, researchers at King's College London took a closer look at the issue and managed to observe exactly which...
18 April 2006 was established as European Patients' Rights Day. This holiday is celebrated in all countries of the European Union with the aim of raising awareness or reminding patients of their...
It is no longer necessary to convince anyone that the state of health of the oral cavity affects the functioning of the entire body. After all, it is already known that diseases of the teeth or gums...
Dear female users, on this special day for all women, we would like to wish you all the best.
Adental irrigator is a device for quick, correct and effective cleaning of interdental spaces. An irrigator can be used instead of other products for oral hygiene (such as an interdental brush)....
It is not only flavoured waters and fruit teas that are bad for the condition of the teeth and often lead to tooth decay. Fruit juices and vinegar-pickled products are also part of the long list of...
What can caries or periodontal disease lead to? The first thing that comes to mind in this case is probably a lack of teeth, which can certainly lead to these problems, but they can also contribute...