The fact that oral health negligence poses a risk to the health of the whole body has not been known since yesterday - for years it has been pointed out that oral disease increases the risk of...
Adental abscess is nothing more than an accumulation of pus in the teeth or gums. The most common reason for its occurrence is a bacterial infection of the tissue usually accumulated in the soft pulp...
Stem cells are used in many different areas of medicine, as they can transform into other specialised cells in the body. A new discovery has found an application in dentistry: scientists have...
Root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) is the treatment of an irreversible inflammatory process occurring in the tooth pulp. The inflammation is the result of neglected or incorrectly treated...
Facial pain in general is a rather common complaint, which is due to the fact that the problem has extremely varied causes. The same term is used to describe pain caused by diseases of the...
Gums, alveolar mucosa, root cementum, alveolar bone, ligaments, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves and connective tissue - these are the components of the periodontium. Their total surface area...
In addition to traditional toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes, sonic toothbrushes have appeared on the oral hygiene market. Which one should we choose to meet our expectations?
Can medicines ... spoil your teeth? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Some antibiotics can have side effects that negatively affect the development of teeth.
The periodontium is the set of tissues that surround and immobilise the tooth. Periodontal disease is a common ailment that should be treated by a specialist.
Ischaemic stroke is the most common form of stroke and is associated with the formation of thrombi in the arteries that supply structures in the central nervous system. Atherosclerosis is considered...
Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a hot/burning sensation involving the lips, tongue, gums, inside of the cheek and palate. It is sometimes referred to as glossodynia.
Endodontics (root canal treatment) refers to the treatment of diseases of the tooth pulp and periapical tissues. It is one of the most difficult therapies in conservative dentistry. Until recently,...
Teeth whitening is simply fashionable in modern times - it is estimated that more than 40 million people used teeth whitening products in 2018 in the US alone. While the aesthetic effects of these...
Neglected teeth make us smile less often and make us less confident. In order to improve the condition of our teeth, it is advisable to have a professional teeth cleaning every 6-12 months. This...
In different vertebrate species, there are considerable variations in dentition. While fish and reptiles may change their teeth several times during their lifetime, humans only have two sets of teeth...
Smoking has many health consequences and risks for the body as a whole, but also for the oral cavity. Smoking puts us at greater risk of oral diseases, inflammation, periodontal disease or an...
Arched teeth are a rare case of hyperdontia, the phenomenon of excess teeth. Their detection rate is low, as they are usually noticed incidentally when X-rays are taken to diagnose other dental...
Advice on the best way to brush children's adult teeth is confusing and inconsistent, according to UK researchers at University College. They also claim that there is no clear information on how...
Gum pain is not a common ailment and when it does happen to someone, it is when it usually causes concern. It can have very trivial causes and be due to incorrect brushing of the teeth, but it can...
Does drilling always have to hurt? We can slowly forget about traditional tooth drilling - more and more new methods are appearing on the dental market that allow us to forget about pain.