Ear infections affect toddlers and adults alike. One of the most common childhood illnesses is acute otitis media. Ear infections are diseases that recur relatively often - how do you deal with these...
Foreign bodies are all kinds of objects, parts of plants, insects that have got there by accident or have been placed there deliberately. The latter situation is particularly common in children aged...
A clogged ear causes great discomfort. What causes a clogged ear canal? Can you help yourself with home remedies? When is a visit to an ENT specialist necessary?
Itchy ears are not a common ailment, but when it happens to us, we often spend a long time wondering where it comes from. The truth is that ear itching can be caused by many different conditions,...
Hearing loss and hearing disorders are today considered a population problem affecting an increasing number of people. Disorders of this sense can have diverse causes and can occur at different ages,...
Phonemic hearing, also known as phonemic hearing, describes the ability to distinguish phonemes, i.e. words, syllables and individual sounds. Sometimes a diagnosis of a problem with phoneme...
Otosclerosis is an impairment of sound transmission to the inner ear caused by remodelling of components of the auditory organ, most commonly the stirrup and the oval window, but other ossicles may...
Ear wax is a major source of anxiety for many people, as excessive wax can lead to both discomfort and hearing loss. In the past, ear sticks were mainly used to clean the ears, but nowadays doctors...
The vagus is the part of the inner ear that is responsible for the sense of hearing and balance. Unfortunately, problems with the vagus can have a significant impact on quality of life. When is the...
Correct ear hygiene is extremely important. It is not just about aesthetics, but more importantly about health. Failure to take care of ear hygiene can result in hearing problems, clogged ear canals...
Bleeding has probably been experienced (or will be experienced) by everyone in their lives. However, just as nose bleeds are relatively common (they can even occur with persistent nose blowing),...
Every year on 3 March we celebrate International Day for the Ear and Hearing. The day was designated at the initiative of the World Health Organisation. Its aim is to raise awareness among the...
When a person's ears become red and hot, it is then customary to say that apparently others must be talking about that person or just talking about them. This is according to the adage, but what...
On the surface, hearing seems to be not necessarily one of the most important human senses - but this is what people who can hear properly themselves may think. Deterioration of hearing can actually...
People who are deaf or hard of hearing use a language that is natural to them, namely sign language. It is a language for which we do not need the organ of hearing. Sign languages are perceived as...
Most people take care of their ear hygiene incorrectly, using ear sticks in the wrong way, which can result in damage to the ear. There are a few important rules to follow when using ear sticks.
Auditory processing disorders can affect the development of phonological functions and, therefore, speech and literacy development. This is an extremely important aspect, especially in relation to...
Tinnitus can be both a temporary and a chronic condition. In the latter case, tinnitus can be so much of a problem that it will prevent patients from functioning normally. The treatment of tinnitus...
Water can get into the ears during a visit to a swimming pool, but also in ordinary, everyday conditions - for example during bathing. Some patients manage to get rid of it quite quickly, while...
Hearing loss is a problem affecting the sensory organs, iron deficiency anaemia, on the other hand, is a haematological disorder. In theory, it is difficult to find a common denominator between the...