Few people know how to take care of their ear hygiene. Most often they use ear sticks, which should be forbidden to clean their ears. Unfortunately, parents very often clean their children's ears...
Swimmer's ear is the medical term for an inflammation of the external ear. It is known to be a condition of an infectious origin and nature. It usually occurs when the ear canal is exposed to...
Hearing loss (deafness) regardless of whether it involves the right ear, the left ear or both ears always requires consultation with an ENT specialist. In most cases, it occurs gradually. However, it...
Every newborn baby has their hearing tested very carefully before leaving hospital. After that, parents are obliged to have their children's hearing checked regularly (during pre-school and school...
Peracoustic ot itis media is one of the very severe forms of chronic otitis media. The disease can lead to complete deafness if not treated properly. Its characteristic symptom is a nodule, called a...
Bleeding from the ear can happen/occur at any age (from young children, to adults and the elderly) regardless of gender. There are many causes of its occurrence. Most of the time, blood comes out of...
Genes are responsible for protruding ears and not, as once thought, the way a newborn baby is put to sleep. If one parent has protruding ears, there is a good chance that the child will also have the...
More and more patients are presenting to the ENT specialist with the problem of a blocked ear. It occurs in patients of all ages, from very young children to adults and also the elderly. A blocked...
What is the cochlear implant surgery like? Is it safe for the patient? Are there any complications?
A cochlear implant is a very well-known and widely used electronic prosthesis of human hearing. It is inserted in patients of all ages and gives deaf and dumb people the chance to hear. Placing a...
OAEs, or acoustic otoemissions, are signals emitted from the inner ear as a result of the contraction of external hair cells induced by acoustic stimulation. The basis for the generation of...
Exudative otitis is a very serious condition that always requires specialist treatment. It is a very devious condition as we do not always know that we are dealing with it. The symptoms of this...
Tinnitus is defined differently by patients. Some people hear squeaking, knocking, growling and others hear rumbling, whistling or hissing. They may occur sporadically or accompany the patient all...
Tinnitus is described as various types of squeaking, rumbling, rustling, whistling, humming, knocking or ringing that prevent normal and efficient functioning in everyday life. They also disturb at...
Acoustic trauma is damage to hearing caused by noise. A distinction is made between acute and chronic trauma. Acute trauma is caused by a single loud sound, such as an explosion. Chronic injury, on...
The Mistletoe is a component of the inner ear and is responsible for balance and hearing.
Salivary gland inflammation can be bacterial, viral or specific, i.e. caused by conditions such as tuberculosis or toxoplasmosis. The parotid gland is most commonly involved in the inflammatory...
A prolonged process of otitis media can lead to complications. One of these is refractive pockets. They are formed by the retraction of the eardrum into the eardrum cavity, and keratin deposits...
Menier's disease affects the structures of the inner ear and is associated with the formation of a hydrocephalus of the membranous vagus.
Inflammatory problems of the middle ear are one of the most common inflammatory diseases of childhood. Many years of observation and practice by medical specialists indicate that the highest...