Many people underestimate nose bleeding, claiming that it can happen to anyone. We can bleed from the front or back of the nasal cavity.
Soya beans have been found to have great health-promoting potential. They are known to prevent heart disease and the development of osteoporosis.
Diabetic neuropathy is a chronic complication of diabetes. It can occur in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and refers to a variety of syndromes of damage to the peripheral nervous system that can...
Health depends on diet and the food manufacturer depends on a healthy, satisfied consumer. Food labelling should be done fairly and without misleading.
Syncope is defined as a state of briefly lasting loss of consciousness, sensation and also the ability to perform movements.
Sunstroke, is a variant of heatstroke and occurs as a result of severe overheating of the body.
Human health can be approached and understood in different ways.
Everyone should pay special attention to strengthening their health in the context of their development.
Here is a simple home remedy to relieve hay fever symptoms: Simply rinse your nose with a salt solution, even without herbs. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of salt or baking soda into a glass of warm water....
People suffering from nephrolithiasis should minimise their intake of saturated fats (limit red meat, fried foods and hydrogenated fats in the diet).
Tunnel vision, or peripheral vision, is described as reflecting looking from the depths of a well, tunnel or through a thin tube. It is the restriction of the field of vision to perceive objects...
In order to understand how the body works in different disease entities (for example, diabetes), it is necessary to familiarise oneself with how it functions when healthy.
Do you hide your face by wrapping yourself in a scarf up to your eyes? Read this article, because maybe your complexion needs help!
Contact eczema is an inflammatory reaction of the skin. In allergic eczema, the patient becomes sensitised to one or more chemicals and develops a typical type IV allergic reaction (according to Gell...
Salt cannot be completely abandoned as it provides sodium, which is essential for the body to function properly. However, consuming it in excess is harmful, which is why salt is often referred to...
More and more people are becoming convinced that an ecological way of living is not only good for the planet, but is also good for your health and your wallet. However, whatever our motives are for...
The hot days are fast approaching. During this period, we need to take special care of our eyes. Failure to protect them from harmful UV radiation is a common cause of conjunctival burns and can even...
Who would have thought that two walking poles, a bit of willpower and sports clothes could do so much for our lifestyle. Nordic walking is an interesting and enjoyable form of relaxation.
When a joint hurts, we reflexively try to spare it - even though this does not reduce the discomfort at all. In addition, when the joint is not used, it becomes stiff and any movement becomes even...
Spinal pain syndromes are most often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Soft chairs and lack of physical activity lead to damage to the spine's stabilising apparatus, abolition of physiological curves,...