Regular observation of the intimate parts of the body can protect us from serious health consequences. What should you pay attention to? What should be of concern in the appearance of the vagina?
Contraception is inextricably linked to human sexuality, and in today's world it has taken on great importance in the context of family planning and the future. In addition to natural, severely...
Gestational diabetes poses a risk for both mother and child. In the pregnant woman, it increases the risk of, among other things, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in the future, while in...
It is not uncommon for a woman expecting a baby to have many dilemmas - some of which relate to what can and should not be eaten during pregnancy. Just as pregnant women are unlikely to think about...
Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is rare in children, but the incidence of the disease has been increasing in recent years. The basis of effective treatment is a thorough assessment of the changes...
Hormonal contraception is one of the most commonly used methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Oral contraception, apart from its many undoubted advantages (e.g. high effectiveness, increased...
Pregnancy is a special time in the life not only of the woman but of all those around her. The mother-to-be wants her little one to develop properly, which is why she e.g. eats properly, maintains...
The pregnancycard is a kind of 'identity' document for every pregnant woman containing the most important information about the course of the pregnancy and the woman's state of health.
The purpose of antibiotics is to fight against various types of bacteria. They are used in children and in adults. Antibiotics are able to destroy all bad bacteria, but also the beneficial bacteria...
First sexual contacts are accompanied by many emotions. The positive ones are intertwined with fears, above all those connected with unplanned pregnancy. It is therefore worthwhile, at the start of...
The right choice of food ingredients when preparing everyday meals can play a key role in cancer prevention. Meals do not have to be complicated to provide cancer-protective compounds. Make use of...
Ringworm is an infection usually caused by three types of fungi: dermatophytes, yeasts and moulds. These infections most commonly affect the feet. Risk factors for the development of fungal lesions...
Both men and women can have problems with changes in the appearance of the nail plate (e.g. shape, texture, colouring, brittleness). In some cases it is related to a deficiency of various vitamins,...
Fungal skin infections in children are among the common infectious diseases. Observations show that they more often affect boys, although they are also encountered in girls. They are most common in...