The accumulation of swellings in various areas of the body usually significantly reduces the patient's comfort in life. Weight gain, the need to buy new clothes or shoes and difficulty in moving...
Measurement of blood pressure is one of the basic tests that can be performed at home and provide valuable information for the doctor. Blood pressure shows diurnal variability, with the lowest...
Ablation is one of the most modern methods of treating various types of heart rhythm disorders. It offers patients a chance to return to normal activity and function and, importantly, the procedure...
Varicose veins are dilated elongations and twisting of the superficial veins, mainly on the lower limbs. They occur more frequently in women than in men. The risk factor is mainly a genetic...
TheECG (electrocardiogram), is designed to assess the electrical function of the heart (myocardium). It is an examination that does not cause any damage to your health, is painless and very simple to...