Avocados, a tasty fruit, originate from Central America. The fruit is a valuable source of vitamins B2, B6, E, C and potassium, among others. Due to their content of monounsaturated fatty acids, they...
Soybeans belong to the plant family of the plantain family. Currently, 16 species have been identified, but the best known is the vegetable soybean(Glycine max). It is mainly grown in south-east...
Dietary fibre is a complex carbohydrate. Fibre is divided into water-soluble (pectin, gums, plant mucilages, some hemicelluloses) and non-water-soluble (cellulose, some hemicelluloses, lignins).
Betaine and betacyanins belong to bioactive, organic chemical compounds. They are found in large quantities in beetroot. They are responsible for the reddish-purple colour of the vegetable.
Fermented dairy products are a source of nutrients with high nutritional value. They are distinguished by their protein content of high biological value, balanced amino acid composition. They are a...
Grapefruit is classed as a low-calorie fruit and is a source of vitamin C, beta-carotene and galacturonic acid. Galacturonic acid belongs to the uronic acids and is a component of the soluble fibres...
Takayasu's disease, otherwise known as pulseless disease, is a condition whose essence is inflammation , most commonly involving the aortic wall and its branches as well as the coronary and renal...
Cardiovascular and vascular diseases, in the 20th century, became a huge challenge for medicine due to the rapid increase in deaths they caused.
In a person with a heart condition, in addition to the history and physical examination, an ECG examination is extremely important.
Pistachios are one of the nuts of the nanaceae family. Due to their high content of vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients, they are considered an extremely important source of micronutrients.
Hyperkalaemia (hyperpotassaemia) is an elevated level of potassium (above 5.5 mmol/l) in the blood.
Cardiac neurosis, is described by patients as feeling pain in the chest accompanied by anxiety, apprehension, palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath and dizziness. Generally speaking, the...
A situation in which the blood vessels in the feet, thighs or legs become partially or completely narrowed is called peripheral vascular disease. The narrowing in the vessels prevents the free flow...
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is the electrical activity of the heart, recorded using electrodes clipped to the skin of the chest.
Hypotension, or hypotonia, is not a problem we should underestimate, whether we suffer from primary or secondary hypotension.
Ischaemic heart disease (so-called coronary artery disease) is a common problem among patients and a frequent cause of death. It is treated with drugs and surgical interventions. Percutaneous...
Exercising at the gym is very popular. You can use many pieces of equipment, exercise equipment. Which ones are best for our heart?
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main risk factors in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease (along with high blood pressure, abnormal lipid values, smoking, obesity).
A well-taken history, physical examination and a number of specialised examinations are used to diagnose cardiovascular diseases, especially heart defects, which are the biggest problem in...
A very large number of drugs can interact dangerously with alcohol Combining alcohol with drugs can result in serious complications up to and including death.