Every year, World Health Day is celebrated in April. In 2017, the WHO is focusing on one mental disorder - depression. What caught the organisation's attention? The increasing prevalence of...
World Health Day is celebrated each year on 7 April. The date is not coincidental, as this day is also the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organisation. The slogan for this year's...
It would be catastrophic to say that the entire human population suffers from depressive disorders. It would also be untrue to describe the disease as incurable. Nor would it be correct to say that a...
The statistics on the incidence of depression can certainly be frightening. They are probably the reason why there is more and more talk about depression. Depression can affect anyone - from children...
The ability of exercise to protect against depression is proven and well researched - in both adults and adolescents. Can we expect the same protective effect in children too? We don't know yet,...
As every year, nature plays everything out according to plan. After a sunny and warm summer came the most difficult time for meteoropaths, the autumn-winter period. The day has decided to shorten to...
This is the conclusion reached by the authors of a review published recently in the journal The Lancet Psychiatry. Pregnancy depression most commonly affects women in the last trimester of pregnancy...
Depression is one of the most well-known psychiatric conditions. It can occur in anyone: in an adult, an elderly person or a child. In the latter group, it is not always easy to diagnose depression....
Depression is an illness that affects people of all ages. The most common mental disorders in the senior population are dementia syndromes and depression.
Research shows that depression in children has a significant impact on brain development. All the more reason why it should not be ignored.
Looking at depression from a different perspective opens the way to other solutions, supported by psychotherapy and pharmacology.
According to researchers, around 20 per cent of parents, both mothers and fathers, suffer from psychological distress caused by the birth of an offspring.
Light not only helps in the treatment of seasonal mood disorders, but also in the treatment of clinical depression.
Depression is currently the fourth most serious health problem in the world.
Depression is not only encountered in women who have given birth (so-called postnatal depression).
Aaron Beck, one of the founders of the cognitive psychotherapy movement, celebrates his birthday tomorrow. He turns 94.
Stress accompanies us every day; for some people it has a mobilising effect, for others it does not allow them to function normally or efficiently in everyday life. Research to find ways of coping...
For some time now, natural medicine has been experiencing a kind of renaissance. This is partly linked to the general trend of living a greener, healthier life, closer to nature. But can herbal...
Antidepressants, another common name for antidepressants, are categorised as psychotropic agents/drugs. They are used for patients suffering from depressive disorders but also for those with anxiety...